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時間:2012-12-29 12:22:44 點擊:


  Unit 1 My classroom (Let`s act)


  (Let`s act)

  Aims and demand

  1、Using imperatives to give simple instrutions.

  2、Locate specific information in response to simple instruction.

  3、Use modelled phrases to communicate with other cearner.

  Main points

  Locate specific information in response to simple instructions.

  Difficult points

  Do right appropriate motion.

  Teaching tools

  The tape ,The picture

  Teaching approaches


  Step一、Teaching organization.

  T: Class bagins.

  (The students stand up with the teacher’s help)

  T: Hello!Boys and girls.

  S: Hello!Miss zhu!

  T: Sit down,please!(The teacher make a gesture to motion the studends to sit down .)


  1、T: Hello,I’m Miss Zhu.(ask one boy)

  S: Hello!I’m s1.(Dill this one by one.)


  2、Let’s talk


  Aims and demand

  1.Using formulaic expressions to great people .

  2.Using formulaic expressions to ask how someone is ,and respondiong .

  3.Use modelled phrases to communicate with the teacher and other learns.

  Main points

  Lear the sentence “How are you !” “Fine,thank you.”

  Difficult points

  How to say “how are you !fine ,thank you.”

  Teaching tools

  The tape

  Teaching approaches


  Step 一、Teacher organization.

  T: Class bagins.

  Good mornimg ,boys and girls.

  S: Good moring.Miss Zhu .

  (with the teacher’s help)

  Ask one studend to sing an Engish song ,


  1、Let’s act .

  Stand up, please!   Sit down,please!

  Open your book !   close your book!

  Ask some students to act them,one by one .


  1、Listen to the song “Hello,how are you!”

  Listen to it carefully twice ,and to say “how are you !” “Fine,thank you.”

  2、Lear to say .

  課       題


  Let’s learn



  教 學 目 標( 情 感 、 知    識 、技 能 )

  1.Understand and read the rhyme.

  2.Sing the song .

  3.Mastery the new word “pen rubber”

  重      點

  Mastery the parts of “Let’s talk,Let’s learn.”

  難      點

  Using formulaic expressions to great people.

  教 具 準 備

  The tape .

  教     學      過     程



  Step一、Teacher organization.

  T: Class begins.

  Good mornimg ,boys and girls.

  S: Good morning.Miss Zhu .

  (with the teacher’s help)

  Ask one student to sing an English song ,[

  Step二、Revision .

  1、Take out three pictures.it has notes:How are you ,fine ,thank you .

  Good morning .

  ①Read them together

  ②drill it with your partner.

  ③Then some Ss and drill them.


  Take out some pictures and ask students.


  Unit 1   My classroom   4


  Aims and demands

  1、Using modal verb “can” to express abilities.

  2、Using nouns to identify common classroom objects.

  Main points

  Learn classroom objects .

  Difficult points

  Using modal verb “can”to express abilities.

  Teaching tools

  The tape .

  Teaching approaches


  Step 一、Teacher organization.

  T: Class begins.

  Good mornimg ,boys and girls.

  S: Good morning.Miss Zhu .

  (with the teacher’s help)

  Ask one student to sing an English song .

  Step二、Revision .

  (一)、Let’s act .

  1、Play the tape for “stand up ,please!”

  Ask some students to act it and the rest of the class to judge right or wrong .

  2、Give commands “boys ,stand up ,please.”

  “girls ,stand up ,please!’

  “the whole class ,stand up .”

  “boys ,open your books .”


  Unit 2 Number    1


  Let’s act

  Aims and demand

  1、Using imperatives to give simple instructions.

  2、Using nouns to identify common classroom objects.

  3、Using formulaic expressions to introduce oneself.

  4、Using formulaic expressions to introduce your friends.

  Main points

  .Using formulaic expressions to introduce your friends.

  Difficult points

  The sentence “this is   .”

  Teaching tools

  The tape .

  Teaching   approaches

  Step 一、Teacher organization.

  T: Class begins.

  Good mornimg ,boys and girls.

  S: Good morning.Miss Zhu .

  (with the teacher’s help)

  Ask one student to sing an English song .

  Step二、Revision .

  (一)、sing the song “good morning”together.

  (二)、classroom objects.

  1、read them together.(twice)

  2、read them one by one .

  (三)、talking .

  t: good morning.     T:  how are you.

  s:  good morning .    s:  fine ,thank you.

  t:  I’m miss zhu .

  s1: I’m s1.


  Unit 2 Number   2


  Aims and demand

  1.Use formulaic expressions to greet people .

  2.Using formulaic expressions to introduce oneself.

  3.Using formulaic expressions to introduce your friends.

  Main points

  Using formulaic expressions to introduce your friends.

  Difficult points

  Introduce oneself and your friends.

  Teaching tools

  The tape.

  Teaching approaches


  Step 一、Teacher organization.

  T: Class begins.

  Good mornimg ,boys and girls.

  S: Good morning.Miss Zhu .

  (with the teacher’s help)

  Ask one student to sing an English song .

  Step 二、Revision.

  1.   Revision the classroom object vocabulary .

  Ask the students what do you have in your bag?Invite Individuals to

  Answer the question with the words they have learnt.

  2.   T: (ask one student to stand up)

  Say “give me a rubber ,please”and the student give me a rubberetc


  Let pair of students substitute “rule”and “rubber”with some other words they have learnt and act the dialogue .

作者:不詳 來源:網絡
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