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高中英語說課稿:《新教材高一英語Unit 4》優秀說課稿范例

時間:2012-2-12 13:46:58 點擊:

1) 語言知識: 
單詞:理解、內化、運用以下生詞:seismograph; iceberg; King Tut; // roar; fright; crack; // bookworm; couch potato; workaholic;// Buddha; agent等,掃除聽讀障礙,重點掌握一些傳神動詞:advance; seize; sweep; swallow; drag; pull; flow; shake; strike; struggle等。 
詞組:get on one’s feet; tree after tree 
2) 語言技能: 
讀:Scanning, skimming, careful reading, generalization; inference等閱讀微技能訓練。 
寫: 能運用First, Next, Then, Finally簡要且富有邏輯地描寫自己的一次難忘經歷。 
3) 學習策略:學生一定程度形成自主學習,有效交際、信息處理、英語思維能力。 
4) 情感態度:學生能在多種英語學習情景中分享自己的幸與不幸,體驗用英語交流的成功與喜悅,以及培養合作精神、互助精神。 
重點:1. 課文中出現的重要動詞,如:advance, seize, sweep, swallow, strike, struggle, drag, flow, shake, 及詞組 get on one’s feet, pull oneself, tree after tree etc. 
2. 用關系代詞who, that, whom, whose等引導的定語從句 . 
3. 用副詞 first, next, then, finally 來描述一場難忘的經歷. 
難點: 能用得體的英語表達自己,描述過去的難忘經歷。 
三. 教學方法 
四. 教學安排 
Period I warming up and listening 
本課處于本單元的第一課時,主要訓練和提高學生‘聽’的技能,它的掌握有利于以下幾課的‘說’、‘讀’和‘寫’的技能訓練,并作了一個很好的鋪墊.本課的聽力材料由兩部分組成,主要講述Hank Stram在地震前所做、地震中所見、所聞和所感的令人難忘的經歷。通過完成練習,學生能抓住所聽語段中的關鍵詞、理解話語之間的邏輯關系、聽懂故事、理解其中主要人物和事件以及他們之間的關系等。而且學生能掌握較好的聽力方法,如積極預測、注意抓關鍵詞、善于跳躍難點、學會做筆記等等。通過本課學習學生能復習定語從句以及學會正確使用指人或物的關系代詞. 
A. Warming up : 
Task 1 Matching competition (group work) 
Column A Column B 
1、 Fu Jian Province a、a cartoon maker 
2、 San Francisco b、the electric lamp 
3、 Alexander Bell c、the first telephone 
4、 Thomas Edison d、earthquake 
5、 Albert Einstein e、typhoon 
6、 Walt Disney f、the Theory of Relativity 
Question: Why do you think so ? 
Task2: Looking at the following pictures, find out the answers to the questions: 
1) Do you know who or what they are ? 
2) What made them unforgettable? 
3) Can you describe each picture using one sentence( with the help of the words under the picture) 
Task 3: Let the students describe each picture with Attributive Clause. 
eg: Zhang Heng is the man who made the earliest seismograph in 132. 

B. Pre-listening 
Task1: Before listening , let the Ss guess the possible answers to the following questions according to the situation: (group work) 
1) When did the earthquake happen? 
2) Where was the man driving when it happen? 
3) What was he going to do? 
Listening(Part 1): 
Task 2: Listening to the tape to get the correct answers to the above questions.(for the first time) 
Task 3: Listening to the tape to put the following into the right order. 
( ) 1. I stopped the car and at the same time the road fell onto the cars in front of me. 
( ) 2. I was hungry so I started to eat one. 
( ) 3. I saw the cars in front of me start to move from side to side. 
( ) 4. I had finished work and then gone to the Post Office. 
( ) 5. I slowed down ,then my car started to shake. 
( ) 6. I stopped off at a shop in order to get some fresh fruit. 
( ) 7. I drove even slower, then the road above started to fall down. 
Task 4: Letting the Ss listen to the tape again, then try to retell the story simply, using their own words. 
Task 5 : Discussion (Group work) 
What would happen to Hank Stram finally? 
Listening (Part 2) 
Task1: Listening to the second part to choose the best choices(for the first time) 
1. Which part of his body hurt badly?( C ) 
A. The bottom parts of his legs 
B. The bottom parts of his hands. 
C. The bottom parts of his legs and feet. 
2. What could he hear below him?( B ) 
A. Nothing B. Shouts and noise C. The noise of cars 
3. How long had he been in the car?( A) 
A.14 hours B. 40 hours C.4 hours 
Task 2: Listening to the tape again to write the words in the spaces. 
1. I ________ myself in the dark. 
2. Then I remembered what______. 
3. It was clear to me now that I ______ in an earthquake. 
4. Then I ________ people________ towards me. 
5. A team of people______ to see if anyone _____ under the broken road. 
C. Post-listening: 
Task 3: Discussion 
What made him survive in such a terrible accident? 
Period 2 Speaking 
本課著重培養學生‘說’的技能, 通過復習、學生自我介紹、解說圖片、自編對話等手段來鞏固定語從句中指人的關系代詞who or whose 的用法,達到能有條理地描述個人體驗和表達個人的見解和想象、能傳遞信息并就熟悉的話題表達看法、能用英語進行語言實踐活動。它的掌握是一個很好的過渡階段―――進入‘讀’和‘寫’的技能訓練.
Pre-task: 活躍學生用英語交流的思維, 通過復習引出本課的重點---定語從句中指人的關系代詞who or whose 的用法 。 

Activity 1. Revision 
Task: Talking about Hank Stram and his unforgettable experience. 
Ask some Ss some questions about Hank Stram and his unforgettable experience first, then write down two sentences on the Bb: 
1. A man whose name was Hank Stram was caught in the earthquake on October 17th , 1989 in San Francisco. 
2. Hank Stram was a lucky man who was rescued after he had been in his car for 14 hours. 
Purpose: 1、活躍學生用英語交流的思維。 
    2、通過復習引出本課的重點---定語從句中指人的關系代詞who or whose 的用法 。 
Activity 2 Chain Games (Group work) 
Task: Introduction Guess 
As the Ss don’t know each other very well in the same class when learning this unit, let one of the group introduce others in his group to let the other groups to guess, the introduction must be a sentence, using the Attributive Clause—who or whose 
(Game Rule: Each introduction will only be guessed once ,if no one get the answer, the introducer should declare the student’s name.) 
Purpose: 1、用游戲的形式能刺激學生用英語進行語言實踐活動。
Task-cycle: 通過看圖說話,學會正確使用定語從句。 
Activity 1. Describing the pictures ( group work) 
 Task1: Describing the pictures in the book----Pictrue1、Picture5、 Picture6、 Picture3 ( group leaders report, using who or whose) 
Task 2: Describing some pictures about the natural disasters, such as Fire、Earthquake、Typhoon and Flood. 
( In task 1, after the student finish talking about Picture 3---- Betty’s parents have been married for more than 25 years who live in New York, their hobby is watching TV. The teacher ask the Ss : “Do you want to know what they like to watch best?” Then present the pictures about the natural disasters. ) 
Purpose: 1、培養學生積極用英語進行交流和溝通,發揮合作精神。 
Activity 2. Creating dialogues (pair work) 
Task: Each pair choose two of the pictures and create their own dialogues. 
(using at least one Attributive Clause) 
Purpose: 1、培養學生善于利用各種機會用英語進行真實交際。 
Activity 3. Enjoying the video 
This video is about the most terrible disaster this year----SARS, some doctors are treating patients, struggling against SARS) 
Task 1: To enjoy the video, finding out something that moved you deeply. 
Purpose: 1、能傳遞信息并就熟悉的話題表達看法 
2、能有條理地表達個人的見解和想象, 從而提高‘說’的技能. 
Task 2: Interviewing--- group work( suppose one is the doctor, the others are going to interview him) 

Purpose: 1、能用英語進行語言實踐活動。 
Post-task: 評價學生課堂表現,學生表演對話 
Activity : Act out dialogues 
Period 3 &4 Reading 
2、 理解定語從句,如: 
1) Before she could move, she heard a great noise, which grew to a terrible roar. 
2) She looked at Jeff who waved his arms. 
3) There she saw big mass of water that was quickly advancing towards her. 
4) Flora, whose beautiful hair and dress were all cold and wet, started crying. 
Ⅲ、 教學設計 
A. Warming up: 
Task 1:Talking about natural disasters 
1. What natural disasters did you talk about yesterday? Do you know some others? 
2. Have you ever experienced one of these disasters? Can you describe what it was like and how you felt? 
B. Pre-reading 
Task 2: Looking and guessing: 
1. What can you see in the picture? 
2. What happened to them finally? 
3. What words will you use to describe this disaster? 
C. Fast reading 
Questions:1.What natural disaster did Flora and Jeff suffered? (Flood) 
2. What rescued them? (Chimney) 
D. Careful reading 
Task 3: Dividing the whole passage according to the change of the places. 
Para 1:In the garden 
Para2:On the way to the house 
Para3:Inside the house 
Task 4: Imagination 
Question 1:What was the house like? ( B ) 
A、a flat B、a house with two floors 
Question 2:What words support your idea? 

Task 5 :Reading for the second time and finish the following diagram

作者:不詳 來源:網絡
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