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高中英語說課稿:高中英語第二冊(上)《No Smoking》優秀說課稿范例

時間:2012-2-12 14:09:17 點擊:

一, 內容(Contents)
1. 教材內容:本課內容是高中英語第二冊(上)Lesson6,這是一堂閱讀課.本課主要是探討如何面對吸煙這一問題.
2. 德育內容:教師在教學過程中要同時融入德育內容.通過錄像,圖片等各種教學手段來激起學生的求知欲.使學生深刻認識到吸煙這一問題的嚴重性,為了自身與家人的健康,呼吁人們立即停止吸煙.
1. 能力目標:發展學生聽,說,讀,寫的基本技能,提高初步運用英語進行交際的能力,側重提高閱讀能力.
2. 知識目標: (1)掌握詞匯,如smoker, burn down, packet, chance, remain, public, give up.(2)語法方面掌握定語從句,表語從句以及一些有用表達式.
三,重點( Focal points)
1. 結合現實問題側重于對文章的理解.
2. 掌握文章中的一些重點詞匯和短語,如remain, therefore, give up, persuade, compared to/with.
3. 讓學生認識到吸煙的危害性.
四,難點(Difficult points)
1. 訓練學生的閱讀能力.
2. 掌握以下句子結構:The chance is that..., The chances are that...
1. 速讀法:根據高中英語教材側重閱讀理解這一特點,讓學生快速閱讀,以盡快了解文章的大意.
2. 問答法:幫助學生理解文章的細節.
3. 翻譯法:適當地運用翻譯可幫助學生理解文章的難點.
4. 討論法:通過Pair work, Group work,讓學生都得到一次口語訓練的機會.教師應設計一些適當的話題,如:
What do you think of smoking
What will you do if you are a smoker
What will happen if we don't pay attention to the smoking problems
5. 快樂教學法:即教師在教學過程中,要盡可能地利用多媒體技術,圖片,課件等刺激學生的感官系統,創造一種和諧的學習氛圍,讓老師教得開心,學生學得開心.
1. 復習(Revision):讓學生合上書聽一遍錄音,然后提問題.
A: How does Wang Bing ask for permission
B: How does Hank give permission or refuse to give permission
2. 介紹(Presentation):
T: Draw the sign-No Smoking on the Bb. What does it mean
Ss: It means no smoking.
T: Yes, where can you find this kind of sign
Ss: In the offices / hospitals / buses and so on.
T: Ok. Today we're going to read passage"No smoking, please!" It mainly tells us that smoking is bad for people's health.
3. 操練(Drill):
Ss: Read the passage for a few minutes to find out the answers to the two questions on the top of the pasT: Check the students' answers.
Ss: Read the passage carefully again to find out the answers to the detailed questions.
T: Play the tape.
Ss: Listen and repeat after the tape.
4. 語言點(Language study):通過多媒體課件呈現重點詞匯,短語及句型,然后完成相關的語法練習.
5. 討論(Discussion):教師給出幾個話題進行小組討論.
A: What do you think of smoking
B: What shall we do to stop those smokers
C: What will happen if we can't solve the smoking problem
6. 小結:歸納文章中的語言點,語法點,然后要求學生進行相關的寫作訓練,強化記憶.

作者:不詳 來源:網絡
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